Even in high school, native Houstonian Leigh Williams was the one you wanted on your Trivial Pursuit team, always landed the coveted reservation at the of-the-moment restaurant and almost didn't graduate because she insisted that the invitations to the Senior Girl's Barn Dance be printed on cotton bandannas. Who knew that wouldn't be in a public school's event budget?
After studying Public Relations and Journalism at Ole Miss and spearheading events ranging from beauty pageants and on-campus elections to concerts featuring Bob Dylan she decided that she could capitalize on her resourcefulness to start a business that included event planning, but was not limited to it.
A public relations internship presented itself, but she decided to approach four busy, young mothers and asked to run their lives for them. They recognized her resourcefulness, ability to problem solve and 'energizer-bunny-like work ethic' and quickly agreed. A client hired her full-time right out of college to manage all aspects of her and her husband's personal affairs so that they could do what they did best...parent four young children and run a multi-national company.
Out of the frying pan and into the fire, she quickly had to become well-versed in everything from consulting on the design of the interior cabin of a Gulfsteam V aircraft to overseeing the construction of, at the time, the largest residential project in the history of the state of Texas. Tasks as minute as figuring out how to change channels on the Crestron remote were juxtaposed with tracking down Stephen Tyler's manager's cell phone number to book Aerosmith for a 40th birthday party. Her success came from capitalizing on her growing list of resources and relying on her innate ability to learn...quickly...whatever she didn't know.
To this day when asked why she is successful, she has a one word answer: curiosity. She never 'wonders' anything. If she doesn't know the answer - she researches until she's an expert on the subject. She had finally found a way to turn her passion for being the go-to girl for just about everything into a successful business. She figured out how to be a professional 'know it all', and Leigh Williams Lifestyle Management was born.
Founded in 1999, Leigh found that working with several families or corporate entities instead of just one was a perfect fit for her. She would be able to tailor her services to each and every client's individual needs - doing things they don't have time to do, don't know how to do or don't want to do... and everything in between.
While Houston remains home base, Leigh travels extensively to meet the needs of her clients. Whether it's acting as 'the advance team' for your family vacation - scoping out the best restaurants and finding the best pediatrician (should the need arise) or planning your wife's 40th on a private island where you can actually be a guest, LWLM handles it all.
Leigh is extremely active in Houston's charitable community, lending a helping hand to organizations such as Family Services of Greater Houston, Alzheimer's Association, March of Dimes, Texas Children's Hospital, Contemporary Arts Museum and is currently serving on the board of The Amschwand Sarcoma Cancer Foundation.